Thank you to the Owen Hart Foundation for organizing a food drive and the generosity of the Marina Bay Homeowners, we appreciate your donations
OHF Sylvan Lake May Long-Weekend Food Drive A Big Success & Still Collecting!
The OHF is thrilled at the amazing success of their OHF food drive for the Sylvan Lake Food Bank. Thanks to everyone for your incredible generosity that’s continuing to flow into the OHF! Donations to the OHF for this May Long-Weekend Event will go to the Sylvan Lake Food Bank. Special thanks to our OHF Committee Members Oje Hart and TRAPPED owners Darcy, Kelly for helping collect food items as well as Mr. & Mrs. Pat Garritty and their Trilliant Real Estate Group for partnering with the OHF for this great cause. Stay tuned for more updates and food bank deliveries with valued OHF Committee members Pina, Deanna…! Thank you to all our fabulous Sylvan Lake neighbors, Marie, Dr. Hart’s amazing elementary science school teacher from Col. Walker School Mr. Bandurk who taught Dr. Hart grade 6 science, the Davidson’s, Sue and George, Mr. Snow, former SL Mayor Susan, Harbormaster Cliff, and so many more wonderful neighbors. Bless you all of so much and thanks for practicing social distancing throughout this event!.
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