About Us
About Our Community Service Food Bank

Our Mission, Goals, & Values
Food is a basic human right and not a privilege.
Food And Nutrition Programs
REMINDER FOR FOOD DONORS – our mission is to provide nourishing food for our clients, if the food we receive is more than a couple months past the expiry date, it goes directly in the garbage. Please keep this in mind when you make your donations. Thank you
We are a local non-profit food bank that has been serving the Sylvan Lake Community for many years as a ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in cooperation with the Sylvan Lake community, churches, and businesses.
Our Service
Sylvan Lake Food Bank is open to serve our community. Our service is available by calling 403-887-4534, please leave a message anytime and we will call you back Wednesday morning to arrange delivery
Our actions are informed by evidence and form impactful solutions.

Our Community
The Sylvan Lake Food Bank serves Sylvan Lake, and area.

Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors

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